Hungarian Press Photo Contest was organised 37th time this year. The winners were selected out of over six thousand entries by the jury.
On the 37th Hungarian Press-Photo Award organized in Budapest, Milan Radisics’s photo essay How Water Shapes Earth won the grand prize of the Association of Hunagrian Jurnalists for the most outstanding achievement on competition and also series won first prize in Nature and Science – Series category. Literally it means that pictures from Water.Shapes.Earth project builded up as an essay were the owerall winner of the competition this year!
It is grat recognition for our work, but also for the nature photography in general, because it is the first time in the 37-year old history, that nature photography was awarded with grand prize. With this achievement Milan made history in this Hungarian competition.
The professional jury consisted of Tamás Szlukovényi, a photographer, a curator from Canada, István Bielik, a photo reporter from Hungary, Lois Lammerhuber, photographer, publisher and festival director from Austria, Stefano de Luigi, a photographer from Italy and Ami Vitale, photographer and Nikon ambassador from the USA.